QBWARE Version 1.30 Function Summary These routines are designed for QuickBasic Version 4 and 4.5 * indicates a QuickBasic routine Source is provided with registration. BSVMODE - Get or set video mode BSVSCUR - Set or get cursor size BSVSWID - Get screen width BSVSPOS - Get or set cursor position BSVSPAG - Get or set video display page BSVSCRUP - Scroll up or clear a window BSVSCRDN - Scroll down or clear a window BSVRCHR - Read a character and attribute from the screen BSVWCHR - Write a character to the screen BSVWTTY - Write in teletype mode BSKGET - Get a character from the keyboard BSKSTAT - Determine the status of the toggle keys BSKCLR - Clear the keyboard buffer BSKNXT - Preview the keyboard buffer BSKSTOG - Set keyboard toggles BSKTOGH - Determine whether toggle keys are pressed BSCURS - Change cursor speed BSDSTAT - Get diskette controller status BSDRESET - Reset floppy disk controller BSDVRFY - Verify sectors on a diskette BSDREAD - Read a sector from a diskette BSDWRIT - Write a sector to diskette BSDFMT - Format a track on a diskette BSEQPMT - Get installed equipment BSPINIT - Initialize printer BSPSTAT - Get printer status BSPRINT - Print a string of characters BSPRTSC - Print screen BSDAPARM - Get current drive parameters BSDATST - Test for drive ready BSDARST - Alternate disk reset BSDARCL - Recalibrate drive BSDADIAG - Perform controller diagnostics BSDASTAT - Detect diskette change BSDATYPE - Get disk type BSDASTYP - Set diskette type BSDASEEK - Position heads over a specified cylinder FLGTIM - Get file creation time FLGDAT - Get file creation date FLGVOL - Get volume label FLPDAT - Change file creation date and time FLPVOL - Change volume label FLATTR - Change file attributes FLSET - Set number of file handles FLOPEN - Open a file FLCLOS - Close a file FLREAD - Read a record from a file FLWRIT - Write a record to a file FLPOINT - Point to a specific record in a file FLCREAT - Create a file FLDELETE - Delete a file FLRSECT - Read a sector FLWSECT - Write a sector FLFIND - Find a file or group of files FLCNT - Count the number of matching files FLMOVE - Move a file FLCOPY - Copy a file to another file FLSDRV - Set the current drive FLGDRV - Get the current drive FLCDIR - Change the current directory FLGDIR - Get the current directory FLMDIR - Make a directory FLDDIR - Delete a directory FLDSTAT - Retrieve disk statistics BOOT - Initiate a cold or warm boot DOSEXIT - Exit with termination code DOSEXEC - SHELL replacement DOSCHOUT - Write a string to the standard output device DOSCHRIN - Read a character from the standard input device DOSSTRIN - Read a string from the standard input device DOSRED - Redirect a DOS standard handle DOSPRSC - Print the screen DOSVER - Get the DOS version DOSVRFY - Turn verify mode on and off DOSPSTAT - Request spooler status - DOS 3.XX only DOSPCAN - Cancel all spooled files - DOS 3.XX only DOSPDEL - Delete a file from the print queue - DOS 3.XX only DOSPLST - List all files in the print queue - DOS 3.XX only DOSPSUB - Submit a file to the print queue - DOS 3.XX only VERIFY - Extended string service XVERIFY - Extended string service CHARXLAT - Translate all characters in a string TRANSLAT - Replace all occurrences of a characters in a string *COMPRESS - Remove leading and trailing blanks UPCASE - Translate to upper case LOCASE - Translate to lower case PROPER - Translate to proper form (e.g. JOHN SMITH -> John Smith) HEXSTR - Change a string to its hexadecimal equivalent QBCHIP - Determine processor and co-processor type DATEPACK - Pack a date into 2 characters DATEUNPK - Unpack a date *GREGTJUL - Convert Gregorian to Julian date *JULTGREG - Convert Julian to Gregorian date *DAYSDIFF - Compute the number of days between two dates CALENDAR - Pop-up a calendar on the screen *ADDTIME - Add two times together *SUBTIME - Subtract one time from another *TIME -| *TICKS -| Timer services BSGETIME -| *MODULO - Compute MOD for large numbers ***************************************************************************** ' Screen services PUTLINE - High speed screen write SAVESCR - Save a screen or any portion of it in the far heap RESTSCR - Restore a screen *INPWIN - Character input and display status bar COLORLIN - Color a line of text without disturbing the text *PUTWIND - Pop-up a window on the screen *PUSHWIN - Save screen or any portion of it *POPWIN - Restore screen or any portion of it *INITWIN - Initialize window environment *DEFWIN - Define a window used in the environment *CNGWIN - Alter a window definition used in the environment *MOVEWIN - Move a window to a different position on the screen *POPTEXT - Pop-up a text array inside a window on the screen *POPFTEXT - Pop-up a formatted text window *COLORWIN - Color a screen or any portion of it without disturbing text *INCHAR - Input a string of characters *INDATE - Input a date *INYES - Input a Yes/No field *INMF - Input a Male/Female field *BARMENU - Two-line bar menu - accomodates 12-16 entries *BARMENU1 - Standard bar menu *BARMENU2 - Lotus-like bar menu *PULLDOWN - Pulldown menus - similar to QB *SCRLSLCT - Offer more than one page of choices in a bar menu